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Daily larval survival probabilites from vertical life tables (field conditions)

  • Raw data: colon separated values (ASCII file)

  • country place long lat M1 YYY1 M2 YYY2 pMMA,ave pMMA,min pMMA,max MMA pdl,a pdl,min pdl,max species note Refs
    Kenya Chiga -999.00 -99.00 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8.0 3.8 4.8 12.5e -8.0 77.0 78.4 Anopheles gambiae marsh and pool collections Service 1971
    Kenya Ahero, Rabour, Nduru 34.75 -0.1p 07 1974 07 1974 -8.0 6.6 7.4 11.8e -8.0 79.4e 80.2e Anopheles gambiae rice field, pond and pool collections; z=1000 m Service 1977a
    Kenya Ahero 34.75 -0.1p 07 1974 08 1974 16.5 -8.0 -8.0 11.8e 85.8 -8.0 -8.0 Anopheles gambiae sprayed rice field collections; z=1000 m Service 1977a
    Kenya Chiga, Rabour, Kanyamedha, Warthorego -999.00 -99.00 11 1971 12 1971 -8.0 2.9 3.4 11.8e -8.0 74.0 75.0 Anopheles gambiae pond collections; z=1150 m Service 1973a
    Kenya Chiga -999.00 -99.00 11 1971 12 1971 0.0 -8.0 -8.0 11.8e -8.0 -8.0 -8.0 Anopheles gambiae ditch collections; z=1150 m Service 1973a
    Kenya Mwea -999.00 -99.00 08 2005 04 2006 1.7 0.1 3.4 11.9e 69.4 52.7 75.2 Anopheles arabiensis rice filed collections; different rice stages (land preparation, transplanting and tillering) Mwangangi et al. 2006
    Mali Banambani -8.05 12.80 07 2000 08 2000 17.6 8.0 28.5 11.8e 86.3 80.7 89.9 Anopheles gambiae sensu lato rock pool, swamp and puddle collections Edillo et al. 2004


    countrycountry of the study site
    placename of the location of the study site
    longlongitude [°E]; -999.00: position unknown
    latlatitude [°N]; -99.00: position unknown; sources of latutude/longitude: a: Hay et al. 2005a, b: Hay et al. 2000b, p: taken from the paper, m: published map, i:
    M1month of the study start
    YYY1year of the study start
    M2month of the study end
    YYY2year of the study end
    pMMA,aveaveraged survival probability of larvae from egg to adult emergence, i.e. the proportion of larvae reaching the MMA [%]
    pMMA,minminimum survival probability of larvae from egg to adult emergence [%]
    pMMA,maxmaximum survival probability of larvae from egg to adult emergence [%]
    MMAMosquito Mature Age, i.e. the duration between egg laying and adult emergence, derived from life tables [days]
    pdl,aveaverage daily survival probability of larvae [%]
    pdl,minminimum daily survival probability of larvae [%]
    pdl,maxminimum daily survival probability of larvae [%]
    speciesmosquito species
    NArefers to data that was not available in the reference
    ?the question mark refers to references that were not checked, since they were not available


    Life tables for the developing immatures of mosquitoes can be constructed using either horizontal or vertical methods. Horizontal life table methods are appropriate for distinct cohorts that can be followed through time, whereas vertical life table methods are appropriate for populations with overlapping generations and age distributions that remain stationary for the duration of the sampling period. In the last case larval sampling is usually done using standard dipping techniques. The collected larvae per dip are counted and scored to life stages (Mwangangi et al. 2006).
    z denotes the altitude of the study site.