MalaRis Abstract Preface Malaria archive Malaria models Scenarios Data input LMM MSM Simulations 1960-2000
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Present-day simulations and projections of malaria

LMM simulations

Two-dimensional present-day malaria ensemble runs were performed by the LMM on a 0.5° grid for 1960 to 2000 (see page "1960-2000"). The LMM was driven by high resolution data from REMO, with observed land use and land cover. In a following step malaria projections were carried out for the period of 2001 to 2050 according to the climate scenarios A1B and B1 (Nakicenovic et al. 2000) as well as land use and cover changes (see page "2001-2050") that are in line with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

periodresolutionLMM data inputforcingland use & land coverensemble runs
1960-20000.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant3
2001-20500.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO3
2001-20500.5°REMOB1weaker stochastic changes3
Tab. 1: Overview of the performed LMM runs regarding the present-day (1960-2000) and the future period (2001-2050).

MSM simulations

The present-day REMO ensemble runs for 1960 to 2000 (Paeth et al. 2007; see page "Data input") have been used for the calculation of the present-day climate conditions of two monthly and three yearly climate variables (see page "MSM"). Since each of the three REMO ensemble members includes a continuous period of 41 years this data is based on the REMO simulation of 123 years.

The impact of climate change on the malaria seasonality was assessed by the MSM on a 0.5° grid. MSM simulations have been performed for the five decades between 2001 and 2050. The climate conditions of each particular decade is based on three different REMO ensemble runs, meaning that the "climate" conditions of each decade are computed by 30 years of data.

periodresolutionMSM data inputforcingland use & land cover
1960-20000.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant
1961-19700.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant
1971-19800.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant
1981-19900.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant
1991-20000.5°REMOincreasing greenhouse gasesconstant
2001-20500.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2001-20100.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2011-20200.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2021-20300.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2031-20400.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2041-20500.5°REMOA1Bstochastic changes in line with FAO
2001-20500.5°REMOB1weaker stochastic changes
2001-20100.5°REMOB1stochastic changes in line with FAO
2011-20200.5°REMOB1stochastic changes in line with FAO
2021-20300.5°REMOB1stochastic changes in line with FAO
2031-20400.5°REMOB1stochastic changes in line with FAO
2041-20500.5°REMOB1stochastic changes in line with FAO
Tab. 2: Overview of the performed MSM runs regarding the present-day (1960-2000) and the future period (2001-2050), as well as various decades.