AMMA | African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis |
b | mosquito-to-human transmission efficiency, i.e. the roportion of sporozoite-positive mosquito bites which infect susceptible people |
c | human-to-mosquito transmission efficiency, i.e. the proportion of mosquito bites on infectious humans which infect susceptible mosquitoes |
CLINO | CLImatological NOrmals for the period 1961 to 1990 |
CMC | Clinical Malaria Cases |
CRU | Climatic Research Unit |
CSPR | CircumSporozoite Protein Rate |
CSPRa | annual mean circumsporozoite protein rate |
DDT | Dichlor-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane |
Dg | degree days of the gonotrophic cycle |
DgH | Dg regarding humid conditions |
DgL | Dg regarding dry conditions |
DMN | National Weather Service (in French: "Direction de la Météorologie Nationale") |
DWD | German Weather Service (in German: "Deutscher WetterDienst") |
ECHAM | European Centre HAmburg Model |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts |
EGG | number of produced mosquito eggs |
EIR | Entomological Inoculation Rate |
EIRd | daily entomological inoculation rate |
EIRm | monthly entomological inoculation rate |
EIRa | annual entomological inoculation rate |
FEVPREV | prevalence of fever |
ERA40 | ECMWF 40 year ReAnalysis |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
GAME | GAMEtocyte prevalence |
GAMEa | annual averaged gametocyte prevalence |
GAMEmin,a | annual minimum gametocyte prevalence |
GAMEmax,a | annual maximum gametocyte prevalence |
GCM | General Circulation Model |
GF | gametocyte fraction |
GHCN | Global Historical Climatology Network |
GLCC | Global Land Cover Characteristics |
GSOD | Global Surface Summary of Day |
GTOPO30 | Global TOPOgraphic Data with a horizontal grid spacing of 30 arc seconds |
HadCM2 | Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 2 |
HadCM3 | Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 |
HBI | Human Blood Index |
HBR | Human Biting Rate |
HIA | Human Infectious Age |
INC | INCidence |
IRD | Institute for Research and Development (in French: "Institut de Recherche pour le Développement") |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IRDERA | IRD and ERA40 |
KNMI | Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (in Dutch: "Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut") |
LMM | Liverpool Malaria Model |
MALD | MALaria Deaths |
MARA | mapping MAlaria Risk in Africa project |
MCDW | Monthly Climatic Data of the World |
MDM | MARA Distribution Model |
MEM | Malaria Equilibrium Model |
MEWS | Malaria Early Warning Systems |
MOSQ | number of adult MOSQuitoes |
MOSQDIST | MOSQuito DISTribution |
MPI-OM | Max-Planck-Institute Ocean Model |
MRR | mosquito Mark-Release-Recapture technique |
MSM | MARA Seasonality Model |
MMA | mosquito mature age |
MT | mosquito trickle |
NDVI | Normalised Difference Vegetation Index |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
NOAA | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration |
pd | daily survival probability of female mosquitoes |
pd-scheme | mosquito survival scheme |
PR | Parasite Ratio/PRevalence |
PRa | annual mean parasite ratio/prevalence |
PRm | monthly mean parasite ratio/prevalence |
PRmin,a | annual minimum parasite ratio/prevalence |
PRmax,a | annual maximum parasite ratio/prevalence |
PREC/L | Precipitation REConstruction over Land |
REMO | REgional MOdel |
RBM | Roll Back Malaria |
r | human recovery rate |
R0 | basic Reproduction number of malaria |
RH | Relative Humidity |
RHT | Rainfall Humidity Threshold, i.e. the 10-day accumulated precipitation amount in mm |
RR | precipitation |
RRm | monthly precipitation amount |
RRa | annual precipitation amount |
RR• | rainfall laying multiplier |
RRΣ10d | decadal precipitation amount, i.e. the 10 day accumulated precipitation |
RR3m | 3-month moving averaged monthly precipitation (the two preceding and the actual month are used) |
SAR | Ratio between Sexual and Asexual parasite prevalence, i.e. the proportion of malaria parasite positive humans that are gametocytaemic [%] |
SARa | annual averaged ratio between sexual and asexual parasite prevalence [%] |
SARmin,a | annual minimum ratio between sexual and asexual parasite prevalence [%] |
SARmax,a | annual maximum ratio between sexual and asexual parasite prevalence [%] |
Seas | length of the malaria season, i.e. the number of months during the year that are suitable for malaria transmission |
SSeas | start of the malaria season, i.e. the first month of the malaria transmission season |
ESeas | end of the malaria season, i.e. the last month of the malaria transmission season |
SRES | Special Report on Emissions Scenarios |
T | daily mean temperature |
Tg:temperature threshold of the gonotrophic cycle | |
TgH | Tg regarding humid conditions |
TgL | Tg regarding dry conditions |
Tm | monthly mean temperature |
Ta | annual mean temperature |
T3m | 3-month moving average temperature (the calculation includes the two preceding and the actual month) |
Tmin | minimum temperature |
Tmin,m | monthly minimum temperature |
Tmin,a | annual minimum temperature |
Tmax | maximum temperature |
Tmax,m | monthly maximum temperature |
Tmax,a | annual maximum temperature |
Ts | sporogonic temperature threshold |
UKMO | United Kingdom Meteorological Office |
UOV | Upper Ouémé Valley |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
VC | Vectorial Capacity |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
z | geometrical height |
σ(X) | standard deviation regarding the variable X |
ΔX | difference with regard to variable X between different periods or scenarios |