country |
place |
long |
lat |
M1 |
YYY1 |
M2 |
YYY2 |
EGGave |
EGGmin |
EGGmax |
species |
note |
Refs |
Tanzania |
Kilimanjaro region |
-999.00 |
-99.00 |
-8 |
-8 |
-8 |
-8 |
12.6 |
-8.0 |
-8.0 | |
laboratory; small females; blood meal size: 1.0 µl |
Takken et al. 1998 |
Tanzania |
Kilimanjaro region |
-999.00 |
-99.00 |
-8 |
-8 |
-8 |
-8 |
108.6 |
-8.0 |
-8.0 | |
laboratory; large females; blood meal: rat once |
Takken et al. 1998 |
Tanzania |
Michenga |
36.63 |
8.17p |
-8 |
1991 |
-8 |
1991 |
150.0 |
66.0 |
290.0 | |
laboratory; indoor resting females; y=133.93x-187.00 (note: the value of the y-intercept disagrees with the inserted line in Fig. 3 in the reference article); x range: 2.5-3.3 mm |
Lyimo and Takken 1993 |
Tanzania |
Michenga |
36.63 |
8.17p |
-8 |
1991 |
-8 |
1991 |
111.0 |
48.0 |
178.0 | |
laboratory; newly emerged females; y=89.13x-152.96 |
Lyimo and Takken 1993 |
Gambia, The |
Kaba Kamma |
-999.00 |
-99.00 |
07 |
1993 |
08 |
1993 |
-8 |
20.0 |
180.0 | |
laboratory; indoor resting females; y=46.67x-56.7, x range: 2.5-3.3 mm |
Hogg et al. 1996 |
Gambia, The |
Kaba Kamma |
-999.00 |
-99.00 |
07 |
1993 |
08 |
1993 |
-8 |
5.0 |
160.0 | |
laboratory; indoor resting females; y=66.72x-125.68; x range:. 2.7-3.3 mm |
Hogg et al. 1996 |
country | country of the study site |
place | name of the location of the study site |
long | longitude [°??E]; -999.00: position unknown |
lat | latitude [°??N]; -99.00: position unknown; sources of latutude/longitude: a: Hay et al. 2005a, b: Hay et al. 2000b, p: taken from the paper, m: published map, i: |
M1 | month of the study start |
YYY1 | year of the study start |
M2 | month of the study end |
YYY2 | year of the study end |
EGGave | average number of produced eggs per female mosquito |
EGGmin | minimum observed number of produced eggs |
EGGmax | maximum observed number of produced eggs |
species | mosquito species |
note | notes |
Refs | references |
NA | refers to data that was not available in the reference |
? | the question mark refers to references that were not checked, since they were not available |