Problem Clusters
No single solution exists for complex decision related questions. To handle the complexity adequately, numerous problem clusters were defined. These are meta-problems which require a multi-disciplinary analysis in order to allow for drawing conclusions with respect to possible future developments. Nearly for every problem cluster a SDSS or IS is developed which provides tailored tools for decision making. In addition the effects of certain measures can be studied on the basis of different intervention scenarios.
Scenarios are consistent and plausible images of alternative futures that are rich enough to support the decision making process. A meaningful scenario shows different societal, ecological and technological aspects of the system under investigation. IMPETUS has developed scenarios in close cooperation with project partners from Benin and Morocco.
Capacity Building
Introduction to Capacity Building - still missing in english, we are sorry!
Spatial Decision Support Systems
Modern Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSSs) combine tools and analysis functionalities of DSS, GIS, remote sensing (RS), and numerical models based on expert knowledge. Within IMPETUS a platform independent SDSS-design and -development approach is established by using ArcGIS Engine (ESRI®) and Java. With the computer-based SDSSs, the user is able to visualize and analyze (geo-)data and models based on a question-specific decision tree. more...