Joint project 2009-2011:
Development of sustainable research capacity on the basis of the
GLOWA IMPETUS project in West Africa
The overall objective is the sustainable and technical-scientific anchoring of
IMPETUS results in Benin and Morocco. Technically, the main results are
implemented in Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS), in information
systems (IS) and monitoring tools (MT). The handing over of these systems
occurs to suitable, national institutions (including the universities) for the
purposes of an "institution Development".
Download the updated publication list (01/2006-01/2014) as PDF file .
The interdisciplinary research project IMPETUS examines since mid-2000 the main aspects of the water cycle on the basis of two river catchment areas in Benin and Morocco. The main objective is to enable to our partner countries a sustainable management of scarce resource "water". Already in the past, the involved scientists have identified the most important problems related to water and have grouped them in so-called « complexes of problems ». Inserted into a family of possible future developments (scenarios) the development of Spatial Decision Support Systems occurred in a structured dialogue with local decision makers. The implementing of the systems as well as the training and further training in the domain of the water management and the food security are, on this occasion, key duties of the project.