![](document.gif) | Introduction into the Drâa Catchment, B. Reichert | 7.2 MB |
![](document.gif) | Regional Scenarios for the Wadi Drâa Catchment, M. Christoph | 1.3 MB |
![](document.gif) | Hydrological Processes within the Drâa Bassin (Morocco) and their Future Development under Global Change, B. Diekkrüger | 1.3 MB |
![](document.gif) | Water Demand, Land Use, and Income Security under Conditions of Global Change in the South of Morocco, H.E. Goldbach | 2 MB |
![](document.gif) | Droughts, Floods and Erosion: Climate Change in Arid Southern Morocco and its Challenges for a Sustainable Land Use, A. Linstädter | 1.7 MB |
![](document.gif) | Gestion intégrée des resources en eau au niveau du bassin de Drâa au Maroc, A. Lahmouri | 1.3 MB |
![](document.gif) | Gestion des eaux d`irrigation dans la vallée du Drâa et nécessité de developpement d´outil d´aide a la prise de decision (SSPD), A. El Gharbaoui | 831.5 KB |
![](document.gif) | Introduction into the Ouémé Catchment, A. Fink | 2.2 MB |
![](document.gif) | Regional Scenarios for the Ouémé River Catchment, P. Speth | 1.4 MB |
![](document.gif) | Water Availability and Water Demand under Global Change in Benin, West Africa, B. Diekkrüger | 3.3 MB |
![](document.gif) | Integration of Biophysical and Economic Models into a Decision Support Framework for Sustainable Food Production and Natural Ressource Management in Benin, T. Gaiser | 1.8 MB |
![](document.gif) | Land Use and Land Cover in Benin Changing Socio-Ecological Conditions, G. Menz | 3.4 MB |
![](document.gif) | Eau, sécurité de la subsistance et santé au Bénin, V. Mulindabigwi | 3.8 MB |
![](document.gif) | Integration du Projet IMPETUS et de ses acquis dans l´administration béninoise, K. Pofagi | 71.2 KB |
![](document.gif) | Décentralisation et espace public local de l´eau dans la vallée superieure du fleuve Ouémé au nord du Bénin, N. Bako-Arifari | 2.4 MB |