Overview and General Concepts
The GLOWA-IMPETUS Approach, A. Fink3.9 MB
Climate Variability and Change in Sub-Saharan and Northwestern Africa, H. Paeth, H. Kunstmann3.2 MB
SDSS-Concepts and -Approaches: GIS- and RS-Based Spatial Decision Support, G. Bareth705.5 KB
The IMPETUS Atlas - Communication of Research Results, H.P. Thamm3.1 MB
Renforcement des ressources humaines au Bénin et au Maroc, V. Mulindabigwi2 MB

Morocco, Drâa Catchment
Introduction into the Drâa Catchment, B. Reichert7.2 MB
Regional Scenarios for the Wadi Drâa Catchment, M. Christoph1.3 MB
Hydrological Processes within the Drâa Bassin (Morocco) and their Future Development under Global Change, B. Diekkrüger1.3 MB
Water Demand, Land Use, and Income Security under Conditions of Global Change in the South of Morocco, H.E. Goldbach2 MB
Droughts, Floods and Erosion: Climate Change in Arid Southern Morocco and its Challenges for a Sustainable Land Use, A. Linstädter1.7 MB
Gestion intégrée des resources en eau au niveau du bassin de Drâa au Maroc, A. Lahmouri1.3 MB
Gestion des eaux d`irrigation dans la vallée du Drâa et nécessité de developpement d´outil d´aide a la prise de decision (SSPD), A. El Gharbaoui831.5 KB

Benin, Ouémé Catchment
Introduction into the Ouémé Catchment, A. Fink2.2 MB
Regional Scenarios for the Ouémé River Catchment, P. Speth1.4 MB
Water Availability and Water Demand under Global Change in Benin, West Africa, B. Diekkrüger3.3 MB
Integration of Biophysical and Economic Models into a Decision Support Framework for Sustainable Food Production and Natural Ressource Management in Benin, T. Gaiser1.8 MB
Land Use and Land Cover in Benin Changing Socio-Ecological Conditions, G. Menz3.4 MB
Eau, sécurité de la subsistance et santé au Bénin, V. Mulindabigwi3.8 MB
Integration du Projet IMPETUS et de ses acquis dans l´administration béninoise, K. Pofagi71.2 KB
Décentralisation et espace public local de l´eau dans la vallée superieure du fleuve Ouémé au nord du Bénin, N. Bako-Arifari2.4 MB